2012 Student Leadership Council Retreat
Submitted by Michael Nolan on Sun, 2013-09-01 11:07
2012 Student Leadership Council Retreat
Lynn Preston
Leader of the ERC Program
ERCs – Joining Discovery to Innovation for 27 Years
ERC Program Goals
- Create a culture to join scientific discovery to technological innovation through transformational engineered systems research and education
- Build partnerships with industry to strengthen the innovative capacity of the U.S. in a global context
- Produce diverse engineering graduates who are effective in industry and creative innovators in a global economy
Core ERC Key Features
- Guiding strategic vision for transforming engineered systems and the engineering workforce
- Strategic plans to realize the vision
- Cross-disciplinary research program – from fundamental research to proof-of-concept systems testbeds
- Education program to:
- bring engineering concepts to the pre-college classroom to attract students to engineering careers
- produce creative and innovative engineers who understand industrial practice and become the next-generation innovators
- Innovation Ecosystems:
- Rest on partnerships with members from industry/user organizations
- Accelerate technology transfer, translational research and innovation
- Infrastructure
- Leadership, cross-disciplinary and diverse team, management, university commitment, and facilities
ERCs Accelerate Innovation
- Knowledge/technology transfer through member firms
- ERC graduates take ERC technology to industry through internships and employment
- Translational research through member firms’ support of sponsored projects
- ERC Translational Research Fund supports small firms in partnership with ERCs, when member firms fail to license ERCs IP
- I-Corp – award to develop business plan and get entrepreneurship training – faculty, student entrepreneurs and business mentors (non-ERC solicitation on the web)
How ERCs Prepare Graduates to be Leaders
- Leading and working in cross-disciplinary teams
- Organizational leadership through SLCs
- Project team management
- Strategic planning
- Advancing technology and building testbeds
- Improved communication skills - precollege outreach, poster sessions, and the Perfect Pitch Contest
- Internships in industry and close contact with potential employers through IAB
- Collaboration with small start-up firms
- Research in foreign laboratories
Role of an ERC’s Student Leadership Council
- Organize ERC student activities to:
- Integrate research across projects and into testbeds
- Share knowledge (Seminars and outside speakers)
- Achieve strong and active collaboration with ERC industrial/practitioners members
- Promote entrepreneurial efforts for high risk technology beyond the vision of current industry
- Engage ERC students to participate in pre-college student outreach and teach pre-college teachers about engineering
- Sponsor social activities to build a cohesive ERC team
- Manage SWOT analysis process to determine how well the ERC is achieving its goals from a student perspective - organizational leadership
- Work with Director and others on ERC Leadership Team to convey the SLC’s SWOT and determine how to deal with weaknesses/threats
- Meet with NSF site visit teams to present the SLC’s SWOT analysis and progress in addressing weaknesses and threats
SWOT Analysis Process/Format
- Survey ERC students (define ERC goals in survey)
- Narrow down responses to major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- Put them in priority order under each category
- Prepare a few viewgraphs: (one or two for each category, i.e. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
- Prepare a brief written report with more detail on the bullets for the ERC’s Leadership team
- Update annually, show progress
- SLC President should serve as a member of the ERC’s Leadership Team and present SWOT analysis for discussion for organizational improvement
- SLC should have a budget
- SLC President presents SWOT findings to the NSF site visit team during the annual/renewal review
- Summarize the SWOT and actions taken in the past
- Prepare copies of the SWOT for the SVT members
- Prepare students to talk openly with the site visit team as partners in improving the ERC
- Thanks for assuming leadership responsibilities for your ERC’s students
- Good luck to all in the Perfect Pitch Contest
- Thanks to the SynBERC ERC for organizing the Retreat
Short Description:
Presented at 2012 ERC Annual Conference.