8.15.1 Appendix A: Example SLC Bylaws

Last updated on 2014/10/15 by Michael Nolan

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Bylaws of the
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Students Association

As amended through October 14, 1999

Article I. Identity

This organization shall be known as the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Students Associaton, PEER Students Association, or PSA.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for collaboration of students engaged in study and/or research in fields related to earthquake activity. These areas include, but are not limited to, Engineering, Seismology, Geology, Public policy, Technology impact, Urban planning, and Disaster risk analysis and hazard mitigation.

Article III. Membership

  1. Active membership. An active member shall be a student at a recognized postsecondary educational institution studying or performing research in an earthquake-related field. Active members shall be able to vote, but only students at a core PEER institution may hold senior offices on the Student Leadership Council (q.v.). It shall be the obligation of each active member to inform the Secretary of his current mailing address.
  2. Advisory membership. An advisory member shall be an advisor as defined in Article IV. Advisory members shall have all rights and privileges of active membership except those of voting or holding office in the Association, other than the Chairman of the Advisory Committee. It shall be the obligation of each advisory member to inform the Secretary of his current mailing address.
  3. Alumni membership. An alumni member shall be anyone who has left the Association, having been at one time a member.
  4. Suspension. A member shall be liable for suspension upon the written petition of a majority of the active members. The Secretary shall notify the member in question of the charges against him at least thirty days prior to the suspension proceeding. All of the active and advisory members shall be notified of the proceedings at least thirty (30) days prior to the proceedings. These proceedings shall be at a regularly scheduled Association meeting at which a majority of the active members are present at the time of the proceedings. For due cause and after just deliberation, a member may be suspended from the Association by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at the proceedings. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee shall preside over the suspension proceedings.
  5. Honorary Association membership. Honorary Association membership may be conferred at a regularly scheduled Association meeting upon those persons who have contributed significantly to the ideals and purposes of the PEER Students Association by a three-quarters vote of the entire active membership. Honorary Association membership may not be conferred upon members who are still eligible for active membership in the association.
  6. Association life membership. Association life membership may be conferred upon any member by a unanimous vote of the active members present at a regularly scheduled Association meeting. An Association life member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of active membership. He shall not count towards a quorum, or hold an office other than Chairman of the Advisory Committee, unless he is granted these rights under another classification of membership.


Article IV. Officers

    1. Officers. The officers of this Chapter shall be the President, Secretary, Mentoring Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Newsletter Editor. All offices shall be held by active members who are students at a core PEER
    2. Appointed Officers. The President shall appoint the following positions by the end of the second week of his term: Sergeant at Arms/Parlimentarian and Alumni Liason.
    3. Junior Officers. The junior officers of this Association shall be the Internet Coordinator and Historian. All junior offices shall be held by active members.
    4. Student Leadership Council Representatives. One Student Leadership Council Representative shall be appointed by each core PEER university. This person may also serve as an office or the Association. In no case, however, may any member have more than one vote on an individual motion, regardless of the number of positions he holds on the Student Leadership Council.
    5. Term of office. Each officer shall serve from the time of his installation until the installation of his successor. An elected officer may succeed himself only once.
    6. Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs among the officers or junior officers of the Chapter, the President shall appoint an active member to temporarily fill the vacancy, except the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Mentoring Coordinator shall assume his duties until the election of a successor. The Secretary shall immediately notify all active and associate members that a vacancy has occurred. At the first regularly scheduled Association meeting occurring after this notification, nomination shall be made and elections held to fill the vacant office and any offices vacated as a result thereof.
    7. Removal from office. An officer shall be liable for removal from office upon written petition of a majority of the active members of the Association. Written charges must be sent to the officer under consideration at least thirty days prior to the removal proceedings, and the officer shall at that time be suspended from performing further duties of the office. The Student Leadership Council shall appoint an active member to fill the office for the duration of the proceedings and shall submit a written report to the Association before a vote is taken. The removal proceedings shall be held at a regularly scheduled Association meeting at which a majority of the active members are present at the time of the proceedings. All of the active and associate members shall be notified of the proceedings, at least seven days prior to the proceedings. For due cause and after just deliberation, an officer may be removed by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at the proceedings. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee shall preside over the proceedings.

Article V. Duties of Officers


    1. President. The President shall plan the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Association and the Student Leadership Council, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He shall coordinate the functions of all Association officers and committees. He shall appoint any committees necessary for expediency in carrying out the Association program. He shall serve as a member of the Advisory Committee, and arrange for the participation of Advisors at Association activities. He shall be responsible for the external relations of the Association except as otherwise provided by the Association or these bylaws. He shall give supervision to the Association and its officers, and shall see that its constitutional duties, both local and national, are fulfilled.
    2. Mentoring Coordinator. The Mentoring Coordinator shall perform all functions of the President in the absence of the President. He shall be responsible for the operation and coordination of all Association mentoring programs and shall chair the Mentoring committee.
    3. Outreach Coordinator. The Outreach Coordinator shall be responsible for activities relating to member-ship enlargement and retention. He shall serve as chairman of the Membership Committee. He shall be responsible for maintaining the permanent membership records of the Association and for seeing that all related responsibilities are fulfilled. At the beginning of each Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center funding period, he shall be responsible for contacting the central office and obtaining a list of the current.
    4. Secretary. The Secretary shall coordinate the internal affairs of the Association. He shall be responsible for keeping the active and advisory members informed of all matters pertaining to the Association, and for overseeing the administrative details of the Association. He shall assure that the attendance and minutes of each Association and Student Leadership Council meeting are recorded, and see that these minutes are placed in the Association archives and made available for the members' inspection. He shall keep up-to-date the copy of these bylaws on file with the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, and shall submit to them the names of all members elected to any office in the Association immediately upon their assuming office.
    5. Newsletter Editor. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the regular publication and distribution of the Association newsletter.
    6. Internet Coordinator. The Internet Coordinator shall maintain the electronic mailing lists, homepage, and other Internet-related resources of the Association.
    7. Historian. The Historian shall keep historical records by archiving photographs, keeping scrapbooks, and archiving the Association newsletter. He shall serve as chairman of the Archives Committee.
    8. Student Leadership Council Representatives. Student Leadership Council Representatives shall be re-sponsible for attending all Student Leadership Council meetings. In addition, he shall serve as the first point of contact for students at his university regarding activities of the PEER Students Association. He shall also perform active promotion of the PEER Students Association as appropriate at his university, and represent the PEER students Association and Student Leadership Council to the public whenever necessary or appropriate.
    9. Duties of all Officers. Each officer shall, at the end of his term of office, instruct his successor in the duties of his office and shall see that all files and records of his office are placed in the Association archives. He shall perform any other duties the Association may direct.

Article VI. Advisors and Advisory Duties

    1. Advisory Committee. There shall be three or more Faculty Advisors, and as many Service and Industry Advisors as the Association deems necessary. They, with the Association President and the past Presidents of the Association shall constitute the Advisory Committee of the Association.
    2. Faculty Advisors. The Faculty Advisors shall encourage the development of high fraternal and scholastic standards. They shall assist the Association in planning and executing campus projects. They shall attend association meetings as regularly as possible, and shall serve as personal advisors and counselors on Association matters at all times.
    3. Service Advisors. The Service Advisors shall give counsel and advice to the Association when they deem appropriate. They shall encourage a high standard of excellence in the Association and its service program. They shall attend Association meetings as regularly as possible.
    4. Industry Advisors. The Industry Advisors shall assist and advise the Association in matters related to interaction with the professional industry. Industry advisors from all areas of earthquake-related practice are strongly encouraged, including both private and public agencies.
    5. Chairman of the Advisory Committee. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee shall call and preside over all meetings of the Advisory Committee. He shall attend Association meetings regularly and shall serve as advisor and counselor at all times to the Association, its members, and its officers. He shall serve as presiding officer at any suspension or removal proceedings of the Association.
    6. Duties of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee shall, if necessary, give leadership in starting the Association's program at the beginning of the academic year. They shall meet, when necessary, for the purpose of advising the Association on its program and administration.

Article VII. Student Leadership Council

    1. Membership. The Student Leadership Council of the Association shall consist of the officers of the Association, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, and the Junior Officers. The President shall serve as chairman. At least one representative from each core university shall be a member of the Student Leadership Council, with full voting rights. The other Association members and advisors may attend the meetings of the Student Leadership Council and have floor privileges, but shall not have voting rights. No member of the Student Leadership Council shall have more than one vote.
    2. Meetings. The Student Leadership Council shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings of the Student Leadership Council may be held upon the call of the President, or upon written request of one-third of the members of the Student Leadership Council.
    3. Duties of the Student Leadership Council. The duties of the Student Leadership Council shall be:
      1. To exercise, when necessary, all the powers of the Association during the interval between Association meetings.
      2. To be responsible for carrying out the resolutions, policies, and activities of the Association.
      3. To refer to the Association such legislation as it may desire.
      4. To advise the President in the coordination of all Association affairs.
      5. To analyze the past projects of the Association, weigh their value, and determine the advisability of their continuance.
      6. To analyze any particular problems of the Association pertaining to its program or administration, and plan for their solution.
      7. To perform all other duties as directed by the Articles of Association, these bylaws, or the Association.
    4. Quorum. A Quorum of the Student Leadership Council shall be a majority of the voting members of the Student Leadership Council.

Article VIII. Committees

    1. Standing Committees. The standing committees of this Association shall be the Mentoring Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Archives Committee. The chairman of each committee shall be responsible for seeing that its duties are fulfilled.
    2. Mentoring Committee. The Mentoring Coordinator shall serve as chairman of the Mentoring Committee. The duties of this committee shall be:
      1. To make plans for carrying out the traditional Association mentoring programs.
      2. To work with the Faculty and Industry Advisors to determine the need for additional educational programs of various types.
      3. To work in cooperation with the local community leaders, the Service Advisors, Faculty Advisors, and Industry Advisors to determine the need for additional projects of a community nature.
      4. To present definite plans for each service project to a meeting of the Student Leadership Council for its approval, well in advance of the time the project is to take place, and to secure the cooperation of the entire membership in making each project a success.
      5. To assist in the formation and continuance of other service organizations.
      6. To submit to the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center at the end of each term, a complete report on the mentoring program of the Association for that term.
      7. To make a full report to the succeeding committee which shall include both reports on the individual mentoring projects and an evaluation of the entire term's mentoring program.
    3. Membership Committee. The Outreach Coordinator shall serve as chairman of the Membership Committee. The duties of this committee shall be:
      1. To inform students who are eligible for membership in the Association of the activities of the Association and their opportunity to join.
      2. To hold open meetings of the Association at frequent intervals to which prospective members will be invited.
      3. To check the qualifications and eligibility of prospective members and to recommend them for membership.
      4. To plan and carry out membership campaigns and work toward definite membership goals.
      5. To make a full report to the succeeding committee which shall include an evaluation of the entire outreach program.
    4. Archive Committee. The Historian shall serve as chairman of the Archives Committee. The duties of this committee shall be:
      1. To establish standards for the archiving of historical materials.
      2. To maintain archives of minutes, newsletters, event reports, photographs, and other historical materials.
      3. To maintain the scrapbooks and the picture board.
      4. To ensure that adequate supplies of film and other archival materials are maintained in the Historian's supplies.
      5. To make a full report to the succeeding committee which shall include both reports on the individual policies and procedures and an evaluation of the entire term's accomplishments.

Article IX. Meetings

    1. Regularly scheduled Association meetings. The Association shall meet at least annually at the Pacific
      Earthquake Engineering Research Center Annual Meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled upon a majority vote of the active members of the Association.
    2. Place and Time. There shall be at least one regularly scheduled Association meeting during each year. These meetings shall be held in such places as the Student Leadership Council shall direct.
    3. Special Association Meetings. Special Association meetings may be called by the President or the Student Leadership Council on their own initiative, or upon the written request of one-fourth of the active members of the Association. The President shall call a special Association meeting to be held within three weeks after the presentation of such a request; if the President does not comply with the request within the required time, a request in writing of one third of the active members may be presented to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, who shall immediately call and preside over a special Association meeting. All active and advisory members shall be notified in advance of each special Association meeting. This notification shall include either a statement of the purpose of the special Association meeting or of the special business to be transacted.
    4. Quorum. A quorum at all regularly scheduled and special Association meetings shall be one-third of the active members, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.
    5. Written Motions. All main motions, resolutions, and amendments of greater than ten words length shall be submitted to the chair in writing before discussion is in order on the proposal.
    6. Closed Meetings. A meeting may be closed either to include only active members or to include only active and advisory members by a majority vote of the active members present.
    7. Voting. Only active members shall be able to vote. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed on any Association business or during any Association elections.
    8. Parliamentary Authority. For all questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by the Articles of Association or these bylaws, the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be considered authoritative.
    9. Floor Privileges. All persons present at a meeting shall have the right to speak. Only active members shall have the right to introduce or second a motion or resolution.


Article X. Elections

    1. Advisors. At the second regularly scheduled Association meeting of the academic year, the Student Leader-ship Council shall submit a list of advisors to the Association for its approval. At this meeting the Association shall elect the Chairman of the Advisory Committee by plurality vote. Advisors may be added to this list at any regularly scheduled Association meeting.
    2. Officers. The Association shall conduct an election of officers at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Re-search Center Annual Meeting. Only active members shall be eligible to hold office. At least twenty-eight days prior to this meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee, which shall present its report at the Association
      meeting prior to commencing the election. Nominations from the floor may be made at the meeting prior to the beginning of the vote for the office in question, or any time between Annual meetings upon notification of the President. Election shall be by a preferential balloting procedure, and each office shall be voted on separately, from the highest to the lowest as listed in Article II, sections 1 and 3 of these bylaws.
    3. Election Procedures. All elections shall be by secret ballot. Only those candidates who have accepted nomination can be candidates in a Association election.
    4. Holding Offices. Each Officer or Junior Officer Position may be held by only one person at a time.
    5. Assessments. An assessment may be levied on all active members upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the active members present at a regularly scheduled Association meeting at which a quorum prevails, provided that:
      1. At least fourteen days prior to the voting the proposed assessment shall be read, entered upon the minutes, and discussion opportunity provided via an approved medium.
      2. All active and advisory members shall be notified, at least seven days prior to the voting, of the proposed assessment.

Article XI. Amendments and Bylaws Interpretation

    1. Amendment Procedure. The bylaws may be amended upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at a regularly scheduled Association meeting at which a special quorum of one-half the active members prevails, provided that:
      1. The proposed amendment has had the consideration of the Student Leadership Council at least twenty days prior to the voting.
      2. Each proposed amendment has been submitted to the Student Leadership Council in the form of a petition signed by one-fourth of the active members.
      3. At least fourteen days prior to the voting, the proposed amendment has been read, entered upon the minutes, and discussed in an approved forum.
      4. All active and advisory members have been notified, at least seven days prior to the voting, of the contents of the proposed amendment.
      5. Before the vote is taken, a copy of the proposed amendment and the recommendations of the Student Leadership Council has been distributed to all present.
    2. Approval. Each amendment shall be submitted to the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center when it becomes effective.
    3. Bylaws Interpretation. Questions involving the interpretation of these bylaws shall be decided by the President. The President's decision may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the active members present at any regularly scheduled Association meeting.
    4. Discussion Requirement. All changes to the Bylaws, Standing Policies, or other governing documents or procedures of the Association must be discussed at a meeting of the Student Leadership Council before being in order for discussion at a meeting of the Association.


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Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems
The University of Michigan


Article I: Aims

The Student Leadership Council (henceforth referred to as "SLC") aims to:

  1. Provide leadership for the undergraduate and graduate students (henceforth referred to as "students") of the Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems (henceforth referred to as "ERC").
  2. Act as representatives of the students in all discussions with the ERC administration concerning their general well being.
  3. Actively encourage and promote cooperation and camaraderie among the students.

Article II: Officers of the SLC

Officers shall consist of a President, a Social Activities Coordinator, a TAC Meeting/Site Visit Coordinator, a Facilities Coordinator, a Communications Coordinator, and an undergraduate member, all holding office for a term of one (1) year. At least one of the officers shall be an undergraduate student.

A. The President shall:

    1. Convene and preside at SLC meetings.
    2. Represent the SLC and the students in all discussions with members of the ERC administration.
    3. Maintain and manage the SLC budget.

B. The Social Activities Coordinator shall:

    1. Organize social activities such as picnics, parties, and sporting events to enhance interaction among the students, and report expenses arising from such activities to the President.
    2. Preside over the bi-weekly student meetings.
    3. Assist the President in organizing the annual ERC banquet.
    4. Maintain and update a list of significant dates (such as birthdays, weddings, and bereavements) and make arrangements to suitably mark such occasions.

C. The TAC Meeting/Site Visit Coordinator shall:

    1. Assist the ERC administration in organizing the TAC meetings and site visits.
    2. Work with the administration to assign duties to students during these events.
    3. Initiate and conduct the annual SWOT analysis.

D. The Facilities Coordinator shall:

    1. Ensure that ERC facilities are generally clean and well maintained, and that all computer equipment is in working condition.
    2. Coordinate the distribution and return of ERC-owned student laptops with the administration.
    3. Assist in the administration of the ERC store, including coordinating its recycling efforts and report accounts to the President.

E. The Communications Coordinator shall:

    1. Convene and decide the agenda for bi-weekly student meetings, including student presentations and announcements.
    2. Maintain attendance records at bi-weekly student meetings.
    3. Keep minutes of all SLC and bi-weekly student meetings and disseminate them to the appropriate audience.
    4. Arrange food for bi-weekly student meetings.

F. The Undergraduate Member shall:

    1. Represent the students at the annual ERC conference in Washington, D.C.
    2. Attend all SLC meetings on a regular basis.
    3. Assist other SLC members in the discharge of their responsibilities.


Article III: Voting Rights and Elections

  1. All students who are currently on the payroll of the ERC shall have the right to vote in the election of SLC officers.
  2. Elections shall normally be held annually in April during the last bi-weekly student meeting of the academic year.
  3. Any student of the ERC who will continue on the payroll of the ERC for at least one term during the forthcoming academic year shall be eligible to be a candidate for a position on the SLC.
  4. The outgoing SLC shall appoint a responsible person to serve as Election Officer.
  5. Students interested in being candidates should file their nominations with the Election Officer at least one week prior to the date of the election. No write-in candidates shall be allowed.
  6. Following the deadline for filing nominations, the Election Officer shall create a ballot in sufficient quantities for use in the election.
  7. Each student who has the right to vote shall be eligible to cast one vote each for six (6) candidates (for 6 positions on the SLC).
  8. Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot.
  9. Ballots with more votes than the number of available positions on the SLC shall be deemed invalid.
  10. The six candidates with the highest number of valid votes (including at least one undergraduate) shall be deemed elected as members of the SLC by the Election Officer.
  11. In the absence of any undergraduate on the ballot, only five (5) members shall be elected. The vacant position shall be filled by a suitable undergraduate student as soon as possible, either by appointment or by invitation.
  12. Following the election, the newly elected members of the SLC shall elect a new President. This shall be done by consensus, or by simple majority of the entire SLC.
  13. Other roles and responsibilities on the SLC shall also be assigned after the election.
  14. The term of the SLC shall be one (1) year.
  15. Midterm vacancies on the SLC, if any, shall be filled by nomination or by invitation.

Article IV: Meetings

  1. Student meetings shall be held on a bi-weekly basis during the academic year at a time convenient to the majority of the students. Food and drink shall be provided. The purpose of such meetings shall be to foster a spirit of interaction among the students by holding student research presentations, making key announcements, and generally providing an atmosphere that stimulates discussion. Students shall make every effort to attend these meetings.
  2. The SLC shall normally meet on a weekly basis during the academic year, at a time convenient to all SLC members. The purpose of such meetings shall be to discuss student concerns and make decisions in the interests of the students, and to propose and discuss new ideas for the betterment of the students. Members shall also use this opportunity to update each other on their respective activities.

Article V: Amendments and Ratification

  1. Any amendments to this document shall be ratified by the students before taking effect. Information regarding proposed amendments shall be posted at least one week in advance of the bi-weekly student meeting. 
  2. Any amendment shall require a quorum of 25 students before being proposed for ratification.
  3. Ratification of each proposed amendment shall require a simple majority of the quorum.


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WIMS Students Association
[Bylaws of the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems, 
University of Michigan]

1. The WIMS Student Association (WIMS-SA) is formed to discuss activities and ideas relating to the WIMS ERC and its students. 
2. The WIMS Student Association exists to advance the development and interest in Wireless Integrated MicroSystems among the students of the WIMS ERC.
3. WIMS-SA Structure - The WIMS Student Association has a president, a vice-president, and a University of Michigan Engineering Council representative. There are also 3 subcommittees, each having one chair.

3.1. Committees and Leadership Responsibilities:

3.1.1. Student Leadership Council (SLC): This is comprised of the president, vice-president, UMEC representative, and the three committee chairs. This council serves as the steering committee for WIMS-SA. President is responsible for: (1) planning SLC and Student Association meetings, (2) facilitating the activities of the committees, (3) providing interaction with the WIMS ERC director, (4) providing direct feedback to the NSF, and (5) updating the database of WIMS-SA students. Vice President is responsible for (1) the yearly budget planning, (2) planning the SLC and Student Association meetings. UMEC Representative provides interaction the University of Michigan Engineering Council. Committee chair responsibilities are listed below.

3.1.2. Education Committee: Primarily responsible for organizing activities that encourage those outside of the WIMS ERC, especially pre-college and undergraduate students, to learn more about Wireless Integrated MicroSystems as well as the mathematics, science, and technology in general. Education Committee Chair: Responsible for organizing and overseeing Education committee meetings, encouraging student participation in Education activities, and coordinating interaction with the ERC Educational Outreach Liaison.

3.1.3. Social committee: Primarily responsible for fostering interaction amongst all members of the WIMS ERC, thus facilitating an more personal level between all that are involved in the ERC Social Committee Chair: Responsible for planning social activities for the WIMS Student Association

3.1.4. Industrial committee: Primarily responsible for organizing activities related to interacting with industrial members in the field of MEMS, especially those connected directly to the WIMS ERC. Responsible for developing ways to better share information between industrial members of the ERC and its students. Industrial Committee Chair: Responsible for (1) interaction between the student association Industrial Advisory Board members as well as planning and communication with the Industrial Outreach Liaison, (2) planning Industrial Committee meetings, and (3) exploring possible student internship opportunities

4. WIMS-SA By-Laws

4.1. Membership: WIMS-SA is open to all interested students at the institutions participating in the WIMS ERC. This can include non-ERC Students1. A student becomes a member by contacting the President directly or through another SLC member.
4.2. Participation in Events: Most WIMS-SA events are open to the following: WIMS-SA members, faculty and staff of the WIMS ERC, industrial members of the WIMS ERC, and personal friends and family thereof. Exceptions:

4.2.1. For WIMS-SA student mass meetings, only WIMS-SA members and invited speakers shall attend. 
4.2.2. For SLC planning meetings, only the SLC members will attend.

4.3. Funding of Events: Decisions regarding the funding of activities and events will be made by the SLC, with the option of final approval being reserved by the WIMS ERC Director.

4.3.1. Generally, WIMS-SA may pay funds for activities toward ERC students1 only. Unless otherwise specified, funding will be provided given that (1) the activity has participating ERC Students1, and (2) the activity was formed as part of WIMS-SA.
4.3.2. Funding may be decided in 2 ways: The amount of money contributed toward these activities will reflect the percentage of ERC students participating. Examples include (but are not limited to): site visits to companies, conferences, and IM sports. As part of its outreach to the public, WIMS-SA may schedule activities (e.g. barbeques) where non-ERC students1, and non-WIMS-SA members can attend. WIMS-SA may pay for any portion of the expenses of these gatherings. This portion will be decided upon by the Student Leadership Council and must be within reason.

4.4. Elections will be held once a year, at the first WIMS-SA mass meeting held each January.

4.4.1. Only ERC students1 may run for an office. 
4.4.2. The committee chairs, UMEC representative, and the vice-president are elected by a simple majority vote from all present WIMS-SA members. 
4.4.3. The vice-president automatically becomes the president for the following year.
4.4.4. Only one office may be held by a member at any given time.
4.4.5. If any elected officer becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties during their term, an interim officer will be appointed by the SLC by a simple majority vote from the remaining members. This officer will serve out the remainder of the term until new elections are held.

4.5. Amendments to the WIMS-SA bylaws may be suggested by any WIMS-SA member, and will be enacted by a unanimous vote of the SLC members.

4.5.1 Appendix
[1] The term "ERC Students" refers to: directly funded students, partially funded students, and students on associated contracts only. This is not to be confused with WIMS-SA members, who may be any student regardless of funding.


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Charter of the Biotechnology and Bioengineering Student Council [MIT]


The Biotechnology Process Engineering Center (BPEC) and Biotechnology Training Program (BTP) Student Council has a general mission of promoting interdisciplinary interactions among trainees supported by the NSF-funded BPEC and the NIH-funded Biotechnology Training Program, and participating in outreach to the larger community, including MIT, other academic institutions, government and industry.

Background and Context

BPEC and BTP both support interdisciplinary training with an emphasis on the interfaces between engineering, biology, and chemistry. Among academic institutions, MIT plays a unique role in promoting the interface between biology and engineering, setting the pace for an emerging new discipline. "Bioengineering" as it is evolving at MIT is rooted in the now-established molecular science of biology and thus has become a new fundamental discipline in engineering, with a wide spectrum of applications, including medicine among others, in a manner analogous to the emergence of chemical engineering from the molecular science of chemistry early in the 20th century. The department-level academic structure, the Biological Engineering Division (BE) is charged with creating educational curricula in bioengineering, as well as environmental health, so it joined the departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering as a major partner in the BPEC and BTP programs and serve as the academic home for bioengineering degree programs. Since many of the issues in the areas we have traditionally viewed as "bioprocess engineering" and "biomedical engineering" at MIT have merged, it makes great sense to take advantage of the synergy offered by joining many activities supported by BPEC and the BTP. Coordination is facilitated by Douglas A. Lauffenburger's positions as Co-Director of BE, Executive Director of BPEC, and BTP Steering Committee Member. Linda G. Griffith, in her capacity as BPEC's Executive Director of Education and BTP Steering Committee Member, coordinates the activities of the BPEC/BTP Student Council on a day-to-day basis.

Composition of the Student Council
The Student Council comprises trainees drawn from the participating Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and the Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Health. The Graduate and Postgraduate Student Council has at least 6 member, 2 from each department. The Undergraduate Student Council has at least 6 members, one from each department.

Responsibilities of the Student Council

  1. Meet monthly with Professor Griffith to discuss current issues, provide suggestions about improvements in training or operations, and update any changes in the responsibility list.
  2. Organize a seminar series which meets on a weekly basis in which trainees present current work. Each trainee should present at least 4 times per year. Students will decide the format of the seminar series and organize a list of speakers, with assistance from Professor Griffith. BPEC administrative staff will ensure the series is advertised. Professor Griffith will be responsible for encouraging faculty attendance. 
  3. Provide input to the content of the BPEC and BE Websites. A formal representative from the Council will be listed with the BPEC administration as the contact person for student input.
  4. Provide lab tours for visitors from other academic institutions (including middle and high school teachers and students), government, and industry. Lab tours are arranged on an ad-hoc basis, initiated by calls from the outside to BPEC, and thus rotating assignment of trainees who would be available each month as suggested. The Student Council will be responsible for providing the BPEC administration with a pair of trainees capable of giving tours each month. 
  5. Representatives of the Student Council will participate in site visits by NSF and NIH. While most such meetings are held at MIT, some travel to NSF may be required.

The Student Council will perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of BPEC and prepare a report for the NSF. BPEC staff will assist in organizing and running this analysis and preparing the report, while students will provide the intellectual input.