ERC for Ultra-wide Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks
Award No. 1041877
The Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT) is a collaboration between academia, industry, and national laboratories. The Center is co-funded by NSF and the Department of Energy, Office of Electricity and Energy Reliability. The NSF-DOE collaboration allows leveraging of government funding to advance energy technology and develop innovative, globally connected engineering graduates for the energy sector with engineered systems and interdisciplinary experience. CURENT seeks to assist in the redevelopment of a nation-wide or continent-wide transmission grid that is fully monitored and dynamically controlled in real-time. The goal of this revitalization is to allow for higher reliability, greater efficiency, lower costs, better energy storage capability, and more accommodation of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. In short: a stronger, cheaper, cleaner, and more easily controllable way to move electricity throughout the United States. From an industrial collaboration standpoint, CURENT strives to create a culture that links engineering research to technological innovation through sustained partnerships with industryial organizations, and to stimulate technology transfer into commercial products and start-up companies. The center also develops education programs that provide multidisciplinary, team-driven, and systems-oriented opportunities to pre-college and university students, as well as to practicing engineers.
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