Nanosystems ERC for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies
Award. No. 1160483
The vision of the multi-institutional Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) is to use nanotechnology to improve global health by enabling correlation between personal health and personal environment and by empowering patients and doctors to manage wellness and improve quality of life. ASSIST’s nano-enabled energy harvesting, energy storage, nanodevices, low-power sensors, and intelligent energy management strategies will produce innovative self-powered, hassle-free and wearable health monitoring systems that provide long-term monitoring to enable effective management of chronic conditions and improve quality-of-life outcomes. ASSIST will advance environmental health research and clinical trials, and will inform environmental policy. This vision, guided by industry partners, environmental/social scientists, and medical practitioners, will directly address the NAE’s “Grand Challenge” of Advanced Health Informatics. ASSIST will also train graduate and undergraduate students to be future innovators and entrepreneurs, stimulating U.S. entrepreneurship, growth, and jobs in nanotechnology and high-tech manufacturing.