Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems ERC
The integrated efforts of multidisciplinary research groups at the University of Southern California, the University of California at Los Angeles (formerly at University of California–Santa Cruz), and the California Institute of Technology are organized to yield devices for treatment of blindness and brain (hippocampus) disorders. The vision of the Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems Engineering Research Center (BMES ERC) is to develop the science and engineering of novel biomimetic microelectronic systems based on fundamental principles of biology. The newly developed systems will allow high-density interfaces for communication with human cells and tissues and, by doing so, enable implantable/portable microelectronic devices to treat presently incurable diseases such as blindness and central nervous system disorders. Our ERC’s vision is realized first by identifying the unmet medical needs of blindness as well as central nervous system cognitive impairments. The solutions to these unmet needs are then developed by designing and synthesizing engineered system specifications from medical, scientific, and engineering disciplines. Furthermore, to develop these novel biomimetic microelectronic systems, the BMES ERC’s work is concentrated in three thrust areas of enabling technology that are at the heart of both immediate and long-term interest to the rapidly growing medical device industry. These thrust areas are (1) mixed-signal systems on a chip, (2) power and data management, and (3) interface technology (electrode/electronic packaging technologies as well as abiotic-biotic interfaces with the plasma membrane).