Nanosystems ERC for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems

Award No. 1160504


The Nanosystems ERC for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS) is a multi-institutional (UCLA, UC-Berkeley, Cornell, and Cal State-Northridge) Engineering Research Center focusing on research, technology translation, and education associated with magnetism on the small scale. TANMS’ vision is to develop a fundamentally new approach coupling electricity to magnetism using engineered nanoscale multiferroic elements to enable increased energy efficiency, reduced physical size, and increased power output in consumer electronics. This new nanoscale multiferroic approach overcomes the scaling limitations present in the century-old mechanism for controlling magnetism that was originally discovered by Oersted in 1820. TANMS’ goal is to translate its research discoveries on nanoscale multiferroics to industrial innovations.

Additionally, TANMS advocates a cradle-to-career education philosophy which involves all of its students and future engineers in unique research and entrepreneurial experiences. TANMS coordinates with organizations such as BEAM (Building Engineers and Mentors) to encourage interest in STEM fields in under-served K-12 schools and offers four targeted programs for students of varying education level: the Young Scholars Program (High School), the Undergraduate Research Program (College/University Undergrad), the Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (Summer College/University Undergrad), and the Research Experience for Teachers Program (for High School Teachers). For further information on TANMS' education programs, please visit TANMS' education page.