Advanced Manufacturing Centers

The Ohio State University in partnership with Caltech, North Carolina State University, Texas Tech University, and the University of California, Merced

TARDISS will create bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture to revolutionize and on-shore alternative natural rubber production from U.S. crops.

Award. No. 2133630

The Ohio State University in partnership with Case Western Reserve University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Northwestern University and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

HAMMER aims to accelerate the development and deployment of intelligent, autonomous manufacturing systems, enabling mass customization in local production facilities.

Award No. 1648035


Georgia Institute of Technology in partnership with University of Georgia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Puerto Rico.

CMaT’s vision is to enable robust, scalable, low-cost biomanufacturing of high-quality therapeutic cells to bring affordable, curative therapies against incurable chronic diseases to everyone.

Graduated Centers (Self-sustaining)

Particle Engineering Research Center

With eighteen years of experience in the research, development and facilitated commercialization of particulate based systems, PERC is now looking forward to an exciting future, innovating and transforming particle science and technology advances into useful applications for sustained societal well-being.

iPRIME: Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering

Engage scientists and engineers in a pre-competitive, non-proprietary and collaborative industry-university partnership environment enabling member companies to delve into the fundamental science behind their products and processes

ERC for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

Develop methods and technological tools needed to enhance enterprise responsiveness to global markets, by introducing cost-effective changeable manufacturing systems with in-line product quality evaluation

Institute for Systems Research

Pursue systems research, with an emphasis on advanced strategies for high-level synthesis and analysis of complex, multidisciplinary engineering systems, using model-based systems engineering techniques

Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Film

Provide an integrated research and education environment for the systems-oriented study of high performance fibers, films, and composites for applications ranging from military to medical uses 

Institute for Complex Engineered Systems

Identify, seed, and grow new areas of multidisciplinary research in complex engineered materials, devices, processes, and systems

SRC ERC for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing

Develop a methodology for incorporating Environmental, Safety & Health (ESH) factors as design parameters in the development of new processes, tools, and protocols for semiconductor manufacturing

Nanosystems ERC for Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies

NASCENT intends to create high throughput, reliable, and versatile nanomanufacturing systems that will revolutionize future-generation mobile computing and energy devices.

ERC for Structured Organic Particulate Systems

C-SOPS is designing the future of pharmaceutical products and processes.