New ReNUWit Outreach to Community College Veterans and Minorities Aids Recruiting
Veterans and minority students at community college conducted summer research in a new mentoring program launched by the Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Re-inventing the Nation's Urban Water Infrastructure (ReNUWIt), an NSF-funded center with headquarters at Stanford University.
The new Research Experience in Water-Environment Science & Technology (REinWEST) program aims to encourage interest in science and engineering for students studying at a community college. Mentors lead the research during the summer and continue to work with the students to facilitate their transfer to four-year degree programs. Of five participants the first year, three enrolled in a four-year college and one continued as an undergraduate researcher with ReNUWIt.
Participants in the REinWEST program get a broad exposure to studying science and engineering, helping conduct research and touring other ReNUWIt testbeds. Participants also attended the annual conference of the New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation, where they participated in workshops and presented posters on their ReNUWIt research.